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9.4 Million Worldwide in 20211

Every day, we want to feel life in all its colors and shades. But for people with Parkinson’s, life is different. There are support groups and therapies that can improve their quality of life and help them feel more independent again. Many teams are committed to helping make life easier for People with Parkinson's and everyone else who is affected by the condition. So, if you’re living with Parkinson’s, you’re not alone. 

The right treatment may help control Parkinson’s symptoms. 

On World Parkinson’s Day let’s combine our efforts to raise awareness for this disease affecting millions of people worldwide. 


About Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's symptoms and treatments.

Treatments available

Medications, Devices and treatments.

Lifestyle therapies

Lifestyle therapies that may help.

Patient Journey

From diagnosis to the time when symptoms are no longer managed.

About Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson’s is a progressive neurological disorder and is considered to be one of the most common neurological conditions.

Every case of Parkinson’s is different and not everyone will experience the same symptoms. For example, not all people develop tremor – for some, rigidity is the major symptom.  

A broad range of healthcare professionals are involved in managing Parkinson’s disease, they will be greatly influenced by good two-way communication, so talk openly with them so that they understand the specific difficulties and concerns. They will then be able to tailor treatment to address your individual needs.

Treatments Available 

Treatment typically starts with medications aimed at helping to reduce movement symptoms with the fewest side effects. 

As Parkinson’s progresses, medications may become less effective. This is when device-assisted therapies may help. Some treatments of Parkinson's disease require a surgical procedure. 

It is important to discuss the best options that will manage your Parkinson's disease. 

Lifestyle Therapies


2.5 hours per week slows progress of symptoms.1

Modern and harmonious couple prepares their favorite recipe and shares with their friends via video call, fun and domestic life of pensioner; Shutterstock ID 1655515564; purchase_order: WPD2022; job: Neuromodulation (DBS); other: For social posts and landing page.

Healthy Eating

Well balanced eating.3

Portrait of elegant mature woman painting picture on easel standing in row of students in art class; Shutterstock ID 638774581; purchase_order: WPD2022; job: Neuromodulation (DBS); other: For social posts and landing page.


Art, singing, playing musical instruments, gardening.4


Taking care of yourself.5

Living with Parkinson’s can affect a broad range of everyday activities. Making some small lifestyle changes and taking a positive approach to activities can all help to maintain independence and a good quality of life.

There is no doubt that a positive outlook and determination may help a person with the disease to adapt to life with Parkinson's.

These are only a few supportive therapies, but there are many more. Reach out to your local support groups to find out what's available to you. 

Patient Journey

If you are newly diagnosed with Parkinson’s, we understand that this will have come as a shock. While there is no cure yet, the right treatment or therapy may help control your symptoms.  

Many people with Parkinson’s find that staying informed about their condition and taking an active role in their treatment helps them feel more in control.  

Carers and family are key members of a multidisciplinary care team and can take an active role in decisions regarding treatment and care. This could include being aware of different treatment options and knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each. This will enable meaningful discussions and will help everyone to ask the right questions and also to understand the decisions that are made with the doctor.

Take 5 to visit the EPDA

For Parkinson's
disease information

And local patient associations


Brief Statement: 

Information contained herein does not replace the recommendations of your healthcare professional. [See the device manual for detailed information regarding the instructions for use, indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential adverse events]. For further information, contact your Health Care Professional.


  1. Maserejian N, Vinikoor-Imler L, Dilley A. Estimation of the 2020 Global Population of Parkinson's Disease (PD). Mov Disord., 2020. 35.
  2. Whiteman H. Parkinson's: 2.5 hours of weekly exercise benefits mobility, quality of life [online]. Available at:,-quality-of-life-improved-with-regular-exercise. Accessed February 21, 2022.
  3. Parkinson's Foundation. Diet & Nutrition [online]. Available at:,such%20as%20meat%20and%20beans. Accessed February 21, 2022.
  4. EPDA. Leisure, creativity and creative therapies [online]. Available at: Accessed February 21, 2022.
  5. van der Heide A MM, Speckens AEM, Peerbolte TF, Bloem BR, Helmich RC. Stress and Mindfulness in Parkinson's Disease: Clinical Effects and Potential Underlying Mechanisms. Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society 2021;36:64-70.
  6. EPDA. Living a full life with Parkinson's. Accessed January 11, 2022.
  7. Parkinson's UK. Deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's. Published online November 2019. Accessed January 11, 2022.
  8. EPDA. Living a full life with Parkinson's. Accessed January 11, 2022.
  9. Okun MS, Foote KD. Parkinson's disease DBS: what, when, who and why? The time has come to tailor DBS targets. Expert Rev Neurother 2010;10(12):1847-1857.
  10. Medtronic Supplemental Analysis, Supplement to EPDA Website Update Re Patient Barriers and Claims.; 17 September 2015.