This will play a video - Female doctor taking notes on digital tablet working on laptop computer recording patient information in doctor office in hospital.



29 September 2021
EBC MAIN TRIAL: Case based reflection on Left Main PCI

Prof. Jens Lassen, Dr. Miles Behan

12 July 2021
EBC MAIN: Reflection on the study in practical Left Main bifurcations cases

Prof. Miroslaw Ferenc, Dr. Beatriz Vaquerizo

13 June 2019
A 76-year-old patient with multivessel disease and unprotected left main coronary artery stenosis

Dr. Jean Fajadet, Dr. Bruno Farah
Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France

30 October 2018
Treatment of ostial LAD-LCx stenosis in a 58-year-old patient

Dr. Jean Fajadet, Dr. Bruno Farah
Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France

17 April 2018
A 55-year-old patient with distal left main and RCA disease

Dr. Jean Fajadet, Dr. Bruno Farah
Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France

The content of these videos are meant for informational purposes only and the views and opinions expressed therein should be interpreted as personal views.

Examples given are not meant to be ‘best practices’ or definite statements of how an issue should be treated. Every organization is unique and circumstances may vary from one organization to another.

Medtronic makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, including any warranty of accuracy, completeness or needfulness of any information, service or process described in the video and assumes no liability for user’s reliance upon or use of these dated recordings.