Educational Resources

Overcoming Complex Anatomies with Cryoballoon Ablation 

Watch this Webinar to refresh your knowledge and skills on how to overcome complex left atrial anatomies with Cryoballoon ablation. The webinar faculty shares tips and techniques to deal with challenging cases by using a mix of Fluoroscopy images, practical videos and ECG, as well as clinical best practices. 

The objectives of this webinar are to: 

  • Review left atrium anatomies and discuss real - world ablation scenarios
  • Learn about and compare different Cryoballoon ablation techniques

Faculty: Dr. Neil Davidson (U.K), Prof.Gian Battista Chierchia (BE), Dr. KR Julian Chun (DE)

Optimising Fluoroscopy During Cryoballoon Ablation 

This webinar presents state-of-art radiation dose management practices, addresses common pitfalls that lead to prolonged fluoroscopy use, and outlines techniques to reduce fluoroscopy exposure during cryoballoon ablation procedures.

Faculty: This webinar is moderated by Prof. Richard Schilling, St. Bart's Hospital, London and presented by Dr. Andreas Metzner, Asklepios Klinik St. Georg, Hamburg and Dr. Lukas Dekker, Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven.

Biophysics of Cryoballoon Ablation in Atrial Fibrillation

Experts in Electrophysiology showcase the science and evidence behind Cryoballoon pulmonary vein isolation and highlight the unique features cryo energy offers. Practical images and videos are included to visualize the cryo biophysics. In addition, the presenters draw on their clinical experience for an in-depth discussion on lesion durability and outcomes with cryoballoon AF ablation. Finally, the faculty discuss their dosing protocol in light of their understanding of cryo balloons.

Faculty: Prof. Richard Schilling (U.K), Dr. Jason Andrade (CA), Prof Roland Tilz (DE)

Advancements in Persistent AF Ablation

This webinar provides an opportunity to learn from experts about the latest evidence, indications and advanced technologies in persistent AF management.

  • 03:08-18:09  I Current evidence , ESC Guidelines and Approaches
  • 18:19-35:58  I Advanced Technologies for Improving Patient Outcomes
  • 35:58-52:24  I Q&A Discussion

Faculty: Prof. Richard Schilling (U.K) Prof  Carlo De Asmundis (DE), Dr. KR Julian Chun (DE)

Medtronic Cryoballoon PVI for persistent AF treatment

Listen to Drs. Hugh Calkins, Vivek Reddy and Wilber Su providing an overview of clinical evidence supporting PVI for persistent AF, the STOP PERSISTENT AF trial results and the clinical experience of cryoballoon PVI treating persistent AF patients.





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