The LINQ™ insertable cardiac monitoring system

Centered around you

Delivering data you can trust, whilst driving efficiencies at every step of the path to diagnosis.1-29 For syncope and cryptogenic stroke patients.
LINQII system

What is the LINQ™ ICM system? 

Watch a video to find out.

Reveal LINQ™ and LINQ II™
insertable cardiac monitors

The world’s most accurate insertable cardiac monitors (ICMs)1-17*, supported by more published evidence than any other ICM.18

Deliver the lowest published rate of AF false positives without compromising sensitivity.1-17*

AI 3.0 Animation

Reveal LINQ™ Mobile Manager

An intuitive app-based programmer for all ICM set-up and management needs; from ICM programming, remote monitoring enrollment, technical support and patient education.

Everything is done via a tablet, simplifying workflow and saving time.19


The LINQ™ insertable cardiac monitoring system. Delivering data you can trust , whilstdriving efficiencies at every step of the path to diagnosis. For syncope and cryptogenic stroke patients.

MyCareLink™ Patient Monitors

The LINQ™ insertable cardiac monitoring system. Delivering data you can trust , whilstdriving efficiencies at every step of the path to diagnosis. For syncope and cryptogenic stroke patients.

A user-friendly patient monitor sends data from the ICM to the patient’s clinic. 

And for LINQ II™, depending on level of comfort with technology and how much time is spent away from home, patients have a choice of an app or bedside monitor. 


BeConnected Patient Service 

Our patient telephone support service frees up clinic time by providing answers to patient ICM and monitoring questions.20-21

For LINQ II™, our experienced team also helps patients onboard with their optimal monitoring solution.

BeConnected patient

CareLink™ Network

The LINQ™ insertable cardiac monitoring system. Delivering data you can trust , whilstdriving efficiencies at every step of the path to diagnosis. For syncope and cryptogenic stroke patients.

All device data can be transmitted to the clinic via our remote monitoring network, replacing the need for face-to-face follow-up and enabling faster diagnosis.22 

And for LINQ IITM, if changes to device settings need to be made after implant, it can be re-programmed remotely via CareLink™, saving both clinical and patient time.2,29

AccuRhythm™ AI Algorithms

The world’s first AI platform for ICM applies AI algorithms to data flowing into the CareLinkTM Network; significantly reducing AF and pause false alerts, without compromising sensitivity.16, 23-24,30

Enables on-going innovation, as future AI releases can be applied to already implanted Reveal LINQTM and LINQ IITM  ICMs via cloud-based updates.

Reveal LINQ II Brain Image

FocusOn™ Monitoring & Triaging Service

The LINQ™ insertable cardiac monitoring system. Delivering data you can trust , whilstdriving efficiencies at every step of the path to diagnosis. For syncope and cryptogenic stroke patients.

Staffed with certified ECG device specialists and cardiologists, our service filters out non-actionable transmissions and alerts you to only the 20% of data that requires clinical action.25-26

Freeing up time for you to concentrate on the patients who need it most.25-28

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Disclaimer: A controlled, head-to-head study evaluating the comparative performance of these devices has not been done



Reveal LINQ LNQ11 ICM Clinician Manual. M958488A001 D


LINQ II LNQ22 ICM Clinician Manual. M027638C001 REV B


Monitoring Devices Merlin PCS Help Manual for SJM Confirm, Confirm Rx ICM, Jot Dx Manual. 2021.


BIOTRONIK BioMonitor™ 2 Technical Manual. 2017. 


BIOTRONIK BIOMONITOR III Technical Manual. 2020.


BIOTRONIK BIOMONITOR IIIm Technical Manual. 2020.


LUX-Dx User’s Manual, 2020


Pürerfellner H, Sanders P, Sarkar S, et al. Adapting detection sensitivity based on evidence of irregular sinus arrhythmia to improve atrial fibrillation detection in insertable cardiac monitors. Europace. November 1, 2018;20(FI_3):f321-f328.


Nölker G, Mayer J, Boldt L, et al. Performance of an Implantable Cardiac Monitor to Detect Atrial Fibrillation: Results of the DETECT AF Study. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. December 2016;27(12):1403-1410.


Confirm Rx™ ICM K163407 FDA Clearance Letter. 2017.


Confirm Rx ICM K182981 FDA Clearance Letter. 2019.


Jot Dx™ ICM K212206 FDA Clearance Letter. 2021.


BIOTRONIK BIOMONITOR III. K190548 FDA Clearance. 2019.


BIOTRONIK BIOMONITOR IIIm. K201865 FDA Clearance. 2020.


Lux-Dx™ ICM K212206 FDA Clearance Letter. 2020.


AccuRhythm™ Clinician Manual Supplements M015316C001 and M015314C001


ICM Published Accuracy Comparison Guide. 2021.


Medtronic RevealTM ICM family data. Data on file 2022.


Seiler A, et al. Clinic time required for remote and in-person management of patients with cardiac devices: Time and motion workflow evaluation. JMIR Cardio. 2021;5(2):e27720.


BeConnected Day to Day Service - Call Time Analysis. June 2022. Medtronic Data On File


BeConnected Onboarding Pilot Results - based on 104 patients. December 2020. Medtronic Data on File.


Drak-Hernández Y et al. Effectiveness and safety of remote monitoring of patients with an implantable loop recorder. Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed). 2013;66(12):943-8. 


Cheng YJ Ousdigian, KT, Koehler J, Cho YK, Kloosterman M. Innovative Artificial Intelligence Application Reduces False Pause Alerts while Maintaining. Perfect True Pause Sensitivity for Insertable Cardiac Monitors. Presented at Heart Rhythm Society Conference 2021. Published online August 1, 2021.


Radtke A, Ousdigian KT, Haddad TD, Koehler JL, Colombowala IK. Artificial Intelligence Enables Dramatic Reduction of False Atrial Fibrillation Alerts from Insertable Cardiac Monitors. Presented at Heart Rhythm Society Conference 2021.


Cronin et al, 2012, Heart Rhythm, vol 9, n°12


Giannola et al, JMIR Cardio 2019;3(2):e9815.


Seiler A, et al. Clinic time required for remote and in-person management of patients with cardiac devices: Time and motion workflow evaluation. JMIR Cardio. 2021;5(2):e27720


Nicolle E, et al. Clinic time required to manage remote monitoring of cardiac implantable electronic devices: impact of outsourcing initial data review and triage. EP Europace. 2021;23(Supplement_3):euab116-519.


Seiler A., et al. Utilization of Remote Reprogramming to Manage Insertable Cardiac Monitor Arrhythmia Alert Burden. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol, 2024. 30 Radtke A, Ousdigian K, Koehler J, Margetta J, Han J K. AI Enables Significant Reduction of Clinic Review Burden for Legacy ICMs. Presented HRS 2024, Boston, MA


Radtke A, Ousdigian K, Koehler J, Margetta J, Han J K. AI Enables Significant Reduction of Clinic Review Burden for Legacy ICMs. Presented HRS 2024, Boston, MA.

Brief statement

See the device manual for detailed information regarding the instructions for use, the implant procedure, indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential adverse events. If using an MRI SureScan™ device, see the MRI SureScan™ technical manual before performing an MRI. For further information, contact your local Medtronic representative and/or consult the Medtronic website at

For applicable products, consult instructions for use on Manuals can be viewed using a current version of any major internet browser. For best results, use Adobe Acrobat® Reader with the browser.

Important Reminder: This information is intended only for users in markets where Medtronic products and therapies are approved or available for use as indicated within the respective product manuals. Content on specific Medtronic products and therapies is not intended for users in markets that do not have authorization for use.


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