Healthcare Professionals

Pediatric Suction & Support Products


Medtronic understands the importance of a clear surgical field to your procedure. We offer suction products designed to provide either fine or gross suction to ensure a clear and dry surgical field. Our intracardiac sump and suction tubes are intended to provide suction where you need it. Surgical support products are designed to be used in the perfusion circuit and are not patient size specific.

The Medtronic line of vent cannulae is designed for direct venting of the left ventricle and features perforated tips. These vents are offered in a number of different lengths, introducer styles and with either silicone or PVC body construction. Our product breadth ensures the availability of a cannula to meet your specific needs.

Featured Products

DLP Intracardiac Sump

DLPCardiac Sump

The primary uses of these sumps are to provide suction and remove unwanted blood and debris either inside or outside of the heart chambers. Tip designs are ideal for atraumatic suction within the heart chambers.

Surgical Support Products

Surgical Support Products

Medtronic understands the importance that enabling technologies can play in ensuring a smooth and successful cardiac procedure. Our surgical support products are designed to provide time-saving techniques, ease of use and facilitate the surgical procedure. We offer a wide range of products to ensure that your specific needs are met. Surgical support products are designed to be used in the perfusion circuit and are not patient size specific.



The DLPCardio-Kit is designed for you. Medtronic understands that each surgeon and cardiopulmonary circuit is unique and we offer you the ability to customise a Cardio-Kit of Medtronic Cannulae to your specifications. The Cardio-Kit provides simplified packaging for efficiency during the case and a streamlined ordering process designed to meet your specific needs.

Important Safety Information

Care and caution should be taken to avoid damage to vessels and cardiac tissue during cannulation or other cardiac procedures.

For a listing of indications, contraindications, precautions, warnings and potential adverse events, please refer to the Instructions for Use.