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Dual Rod Multi Axial Screw (DRMAS)

Pedicle screw part of the Solera range, specifically designed for deformity operations.

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With its dedication to pioneering spine surgery solutions for revision, deformity and trauma surgeries, Medtronic has added the dual rod multi-axial screw (DRMAS) to enhance the versatility and efficiency of any current CD Horizon™ Solera™ 5.5/6.0 spinal rod system. This offering allows for construct extensions laterally and medially for controlled sagittal alignment correction.

In-depth look at CD Horizon™ Solera™ Spinal System utilising DRMAS and VAD

An opportunity to rewatch an in-depth look at the CD Horizon™ Solera™ spinal system using DRMAS and VAD to support carrying out a Pedicle Subtraction Osteotomy and controlled closure of the osteotomy using the 3CO Controller. Narrated by Mr Ian Harding who has extensive experience using the system and is able to offer tips and tricks with the procedure.

Product Details

DRMAS enables the assembly of multi-rod constructs to aid in PSO procedures as well as spinal deformities, failed previous fusion, pseudoarthrosis, and tumour/trauma. DRMAS also provides the ability to customize stiffness and strength since it is compatible with the entire CD Horizon™ Solera™ 5.5/6.0 rod spectrum.

Useful documents

Surgical techniques and brochure

spinal image

Dual Rod Multi Axial Screw (DRMAS) Surgical Technique

3 CO - 3 column Osteotomy using DRMAS surgical technique

VAD - Variable Angle Domino surgical technique

DRMAS multi-rod construct brochures

pdf DRMAS multi-rod construct white paper (.pdf)

Summary of biomechanical data and reported incidence of rod breakage


pdf DRMAS Value Summary (.pdf)

In depth analysis into the value added from the use of multi-rod constructs in deformity correction


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See the device manual for detailed information regarding the instructions for use, indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential adverse events. For further information, contact your local Medtronic representative and/or consult the Medtronic website at