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MVP™ Micro Vascular Plug System for Peripheral Embolization

Available in four sizes to obstruct or reduce the rate of blood flow in the peripheral vasculature.

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Delivery animation

Watch the MVP™ device occlude a vessel.





The MVP™ Micro Vascular Plug System is indicated to obstruct or reduce the rate of blood flow in the peripheral vasculature.

Product Details 

Rapid mechanical occlusion1

  • Does not rely on thrombus formation1
  • Fewer devices needed compared to coils1
MVP micro vascular plug on delivery catheter

Reduced CT artifacts compared to coils2

Angiogram of coil embolization
Angiogram of plug embolization

Predictability even in challenging  environments1,3

  • Tracks smoothly through tortuous vessels1,3
  • Fully resheathable and repositionable in all sizes*3

Chart showing vessel size compatibility for the MVP-3 and MVP-5 micro vascular plugs
Chart showing vessel size compatibility for the MVP-7 and MVP-9 micro vascular plugs

Design features

  1. Distal radiopaque marker for fluoroscopic visualization
  2. PTFE cover creates rapid occlusion and prevents recanalization3
  3. Proximal radiopaque marker for fluoroscopic visualization
  4. Easy and reliable detachment system3
  5. Soft wire for smooth navigation3
  6. Fully resheathable and repositionable during deployment
Design features of the MVP™ micro vascular plug system with numbered callouts

Case Studies

Showcase A collection of cases for peripheral embolization solutions 

Start the Experience

Hemorrhage case

Watch this case overview of a patient with trauma to the spleen.

Model Specifications

Microvascular Plug specifications

Product Code

Recommended Vessel Size

Unconstrained diameter

Unconstrained length

Delivery wire length


1.5–3.0 mm

5.3 mm

12 mm

180 cm


3.0–5.0 mm

6.5 mm

12 mm

180 cm


5.0–7.0 mm

9.2 mm

16 mm

165 cm


7.0–9.0 mm

13.0 mm

18 mm

165 cm

Recommended microcatheter/catheter specifications

Product Code

Min. inner diameter

Min. outer diameter

Guidewire compatibility

Max. length


0.021 in

2.4 F

0.014-0.018 in

153 cm


0.027 in

2.8 F

0.021-0.025 in

153 cm


0.041 in

4 F

0.035-0.038 in

120 cm


0.043 in

5 F 0.038 in 120 cm

Manuals and Technical Guides

The technical manual includes indications, warnings, precautions, MRI information, and directions for use. Find it in the product labeling supplied with each device.

MRI Information

The MVPTM Micro Vascular Plug was determined to be MR conditional. Non-clinical testing demonstrated that the MVPTM Micro Vascular Plug Device is MR conditional. A patient with this device can be scanned safely, immediately after placement under the following conditions:

  • Static magnetic field of 3 Tesla or less
  • Maximum spatial gradient magnetic field of 9,000 Gauss/cm or less
  • Maximum MR system reported, whole body averaged specific absorption rate (SAR) of 4 W/kg for 15 minutes of scanning (i.e., per pulse sequence)
  • First Level Controlled Operating Mode for the MR system

Additional Resources

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Up to three times, after partial or complete deployment.



Pellerin O, Maleux G, Déan C, Pernot S, Golzarian J, Sapoval M. Microvascular plug: a new embolic material for hepatic arterial skeletonization. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. December 2014;37(6):1597-1601.


Park JJ, Park JM. Reduced Metal artifact on CT utilizing the Medtronic MVP. EVT. October 2017; 16(10):34-36.


Test data on file at Medtronic, TR13-067 rev B / TR13-081 Rev A / TR12-054 REV A / TR14-061 Rev A / TR14-062 Rev A / TR14-065 Rev A. Bench test results may not be indicative of clinical performance.